I have received several nice emails from other Joanna-fans all around
the world. Many of you simply wrote to say thanks, or even to supply
valuable information. Others have also written asking questions about
Joanna, me, or this site. So, I thought I would answer some of the
more common ones here.
Not yet. One is under development, and I hope to offer it in a few different sizes, but should they clash with your site, please use your own or just a text link. If you do link to me, drop me a note, and let me know.
Hadn't really thought about those. I doubt there would be sufficient interest in a just-Joanna "theme," but maybe someone out there would do one with Into The Woods or Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. As for a background, even I don't think I'd use one and I'm the guy who took the time to write this site so I never saw a need to put something together.
I apreciate any help you may offer me for this site, but please
don't get upset if I decide not to use your submission.
UPDATE: An alert reader sent me this link with several pictures (ITW and just Joanna from ITW) that could be used as backgrounds.
I try to keep posts about what's new, with new links or new pictures I find, to the message group so we can all discuss things. That way I don't have to worry about keeping a newsgroup updated AND keep a website up to date as links grow and die.
There once was (and sadly, still is) a group on another provider for dicussing Joanna news. This group is linked to from all over and could have really been something of some value, however it was not moderated at all, and the people in charge didn't seem to care. Thus, it got run over by SPAM'ers and it really brought the whole thing down. To keep that from happening again I made a new group requiring you to "join," and in fact it was the creation of that group that inspired me to make this site.
Do you have lots of pretty pictures of Joanna or [insert name of relative] ?????.
I have a decent collection of photos I've found on the web, but
as I'm not the owner of their content I resist... (and it isn't easy
posting them in a gallery. I'd love to share more Joanna with you,
but I'm worried already about the nil content I have now. If you
have anything I never turn away submissions, and if you are the
owner and permit my posting I will gladly provide credit and my
deepest thanks.
Update:I decided to throw caution to the wind and I
made a gallery. Hope you enjoy it!
What about naked photos?
Okay, you people are terrible. Cut that perverted stuff out. She's never posed naked and those of you asking for me to photoshop her head onto some porn star's body, I know who you are and your parents are going to get a phone call from me.
You told me she was in Boogie Nights, and I saw that movie, and the redhead was naked!
Wrong redhead!
What was your favorite Joanna-role?
Gosh, I don't know. So far I think I'll pick The Baker's Wife from Into The Woods, but I'm not so sure. I also really liked Joanna on Love and War, that was a really great show.
Didn't I see Joanna in Troop Beverly Hills?
No. And this is a common one I don't quite understand. Joanna is not Mary Gross, and I don't see why people keep confusing the two.
I HATED [insert name of a character]!
Really? She always had such nice things to say about you.
Joanna is right handed.
While I am not 100% sure how exact I am, reports I have read indicate she is around 5'7" or 5'8" tall.
All of my research keeps coming up dry on this one. I'll keep searching.
No. I am not.
I just checked in the mirror, sorry, I'm still not her.
Well, can you write to her for me?
I do not have any communication with Joanna Gleason.
So... if you like Joanna so much, you must be a stalker
No, sorry. I'm not stalking her. I just think she's really neat and since there was no one else keeping a record of all of her work in one place, I just wrote this site to fill the void. I expect everyone to be decent and respect each others privacy.
Well, then you must think she's hot.
While I do think she's a beautiful woman, I'm not attracted to her if that's what you mean.
I'm not actually into theater all that much. I like a few select things a lot, and the rest is just "eh" to me. I'm also not gay, but thanks for asking.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Yeah, I heard that, too. And since I read it on the Internet then it must be true, right?
I'm not actually an actor either. I suggest reading the classics, see lots of great movies, and study. I also suggest an acting program or workshop (Joanna has done several of these), just avoid something that tells you they will give you a free book by L.Ron Hubbard.
Maybe... depends on what you're looking to do and if I have interest in the project or not. Drop me a line.
Maybe it got lost, maybe I'm away on a long vacation, maybe I'm being sued and are unable to write as I have to work 3 jobs to cover the legal fees, or maybe your message was just confused for another message about magic premium cream.
I don't actually sell anything here. There's stuff that Joanna has been in that I'd like to get copies of, and I'd be willing to trade for what I have already, provided I'm not copying a real movie (like my ITW on DVD). Also, I don't know of Joanna doing any commentary for a movie, and furthermore why are you buying a fullscreen version of anything?